Lifespan Integration: Healing Your Inner Child
What if our stories themselves could help us heal from painful experiences?
We all have a unique journey full of rich moments of both pain and joy and these memories are stored in our bodies and minds shaping the way we react, interact, and engage in our life. These stories we hold are powerful and help us connect deeper with ourselves and our inner truth.
Through utilizing Lifespan Integration, together we will use the story of your lifespan through timelines to allow the body to naturally heal from within.
By connecting with these stories and exploring the timeline of our life within session, many clients find that not only do the distressing memories of the past feel less painful, but they also feel a deeper connection with their strengths that have carried them through their journey.
By sharing our stories in safe places we can create a corrective experience and restore our sense of self. This type of therapy relies heavily on the trust and connection built between the therapist and client as your body does the healing.
Lifespan Integration is a body based type of therapy that can heal without re-traumatizing or re-triggering you.
This type of therapy is based around the innate ways the mind and body heal itself. It is gentle in approach, yet powerful in its effects.
Lifespan Integration utilizes repetitions of a visual timeline of a client’s memories to promote healing of their past. Similar to EMDR, this type of therapy unlocks the nervous system to store painful memories in a less distressing way and integrate our experiences.
What happens in an Lifespan Integration session?
Prior to a session, I ask clients to create a timeline of memory cues from each year of their life (when indicated we will create this together). These memories don’t have to be all good or all bad per say, all that matters is they are true and they evoke sensation when you think of them.
Once we begin a Lifespan Integration session, together we will bring forward these memories in consecutive order. As memories naturally begin to emerge and expand spontaneously throughout the course of the session you will be able to observe your life through a more objective view. With this new perspective, you are able to experience new insights into lifelong patterns due to previous traumatic experiences. As we repeat the timelines in session distressing sensations from the past begin to fade and new memories may come forward creating a more cohesive life story.
Lifespan integration therapy differs from regular talk therapy. It does not require you to tell the whole nitty gritty experience of your trauma or have lengthy discussions about what happened. It doesn’t even matter if I have no idea what your memory cues mean. As we work through these memories together your body’s innate ability to heal will kick in as it processes and integrates your unique life experience through the timelines.
The repetitions of your timeline will prove that no matter how painful, traumatic, or difficult your past is, you have survived. By ending each timeline in the present moment, your body begins to understand at a cellular level that you are living in the here and now and not in your past experiences. This therapy provides a space-time map of your life which is the key to integrating our experiences and deepening the connection to our sense of self.
Many clients find that through this type of therapy they react to current stressors with more clarity and equanimity.
Their lives feel more connected and whole and they have a more connected sense of self and acceptance. Clients also often find that enjoyment within their intimate relationships or even healing from the ending of a relationship, may feel more accessible following this type of therapeutic experience.
Whatever you are working through, Lifespan Integration can help you feel more connected to the authentic self within. As a trained Lifespan Integration therapist, I’m honored to walk with you through your story and see the healing that is possible.